
Can I Get Arrested If My Friend Stole And Said I Did It With Him But Camera Shows I Didnt

I spent xvi years working in retail loss prevention and I am Wicklander-Zulawski-certified to interview quack retail employees.

Matt C. Pinsker, criminal defense attorney & adjunct professor at the Virginia Democracy University Wilder Schoolhouse, Pinsker Constabulary


Questions Most Shoplifting

Apprehending shoplifters is an exciting field, and I enjoyed the sixteen years I spent in the loss-prevention business organisation. I still have an active interest in retail loss prevention and shoplifting, and I read up on the latest trends and news and continue in touch with colleagues in the business.

Here are the tiptop questions I've received concerning shoplifting. Some were asked by shoplifters, and some were asked only considering someone was curious. In the very interesting comments section at the bottom of this article, you'll exist able to browse the many other personal shoplifting stories and questions I get asked virtually shoplifting, loss prevention, and internal retail theft.

1. If I'm not caught shoplifting right away, could I be charged after?

If you made it out of the store undetected, then information technology is extremely unlikely that you will be arrested. Only if they have recorded proof of yous taking the item, identify you on a surveillance video, and somehow find your proper noun, and so they can accuse you days, weeks, or months later for a crime committed in the past.

Do I need to worry about going back to that store in the future?

Aye, y'all do. If the loss prevention people recognize you and accept proof of the crime, they tin have you arrested.

How long afterward shoplifting could I be arrested?

Rules vary from country to country, but typically, the statute of limitations for misdemeanor niggling theft is one year.

2. What if I steal something that costs less than $5?

No matter how much an item costs, if you left the store without paying for it, then you can exist charged with theft. Some stores prosecute all thefts, no affair how "small" they might seem.

Does the penalty vary according to the cost of the item I stole?

The difference between petty theft (a misdemeanor) and grand theft (a felony) is the cost of the stolen goods, just the cutting-off bespeak betwixt the ii varies from state to state. In California, the term "petty theft" applies when the property was valued at under $950. If you steal something that costs more that, you can be charged with 1000 theft, which is a felony and tin can carry heftier fines, jail time, and stigma.

So whatever theft of whatever item, whether information technology costs a penny or up to $950, tin be charged equally a misdemeanor petty theft. But it really depends on the circumstances. For example, if you take been bedevilled of theft before, then you might exist charged with a felony rather than a misdemeanor.

What Is Shoplifting?

Shoplifting, another word for retail theft, is slightly different than burglary or robbery and is normally classified as larceny.

Leaving a store with merchandise you didn't pay for.

Paying less-than-full-price by tampering with price tags or obtaining fraudulent discounts.

Failing to scan items at a cocky-service register or hiding or "forgetting to pay" for items in your cart.

Returning items you didn't pay for.

Getting a refund that is more than what you paid for the detail.

Using a theft detection shielding device.

Using or eating trade in the shop without paying.

three. Can you go to jail for shoplifting the first time you do it?

The penalty for misdemeanors in nigh jurisdictions can include up to a yr in a county jail. Although jail could be possible for a first-fourth dimension offense, it is rare. It's more than likely that yous'll be charged for a civil infraction and ordered to pay a fine, be put on probation, and/or required to do some community service. Y'all'll still take a criminal record if you lot're convicted, though, fifty-fifty for a minor crime.

What happens if I'm institute guilty of shoplifting but take no previous tape?

Even with no previous record, beingness found guilty can accept many negative consequences. Shoplifting is a criminal offence of moral turpitude, which means information technology tin can block an application for a visa, green card, or U.South. citizenship, or cause someone who already whatever of these things to be deported. Whatever criminal conviction can have long-lasting consequences and having one on your record may affect many future prospects. Many schools, landlords, and employers take policies that bar applicants with convictions.

Penalisation for misdemeanors can include fines, probation, customs service, and restitution. First offenses are often charged as municipal ordinance violations, without jail time. The store volition likely nib you lot a hefty amount of ceremonious restitution, plus you'll likely be ordered by the court to pay a fine and practise customs service, and it will go on your record. A good lawyer might be able to negotiate for a lesser charge.

What would a lawyer say?

Matt C. Pinsker, a criminal defence attorney and offshoot professor at the Virginia Democracy Academy Wilder School, says this:

Curlicue to Continue

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"What happens to a first-time adult offender for misdemeanor level shoplifting is extremely dependent on both the prosecution and the gauge. Some prosecution offices have their own internal first offender programs to allow people to earn the opportunity for a dismissal. Other prosecutors are agreeable to reducing the charge to a lessor crime, such as 'trespassing.' Other places are harder and push button for a conviction as charged, and mayhap fifty-fifty some jail fourth dimension. Of course, each case and each client is dissimilar, and with some judges and prosecutors you have more flexibility."

According to Aaron Baghdadi, a long-time criminal defence attorney
and former public defender in Florida,

"The probable event for first-time offenders is generally pretrial diversion (PTD), which is similar to probation, except if y'all complete PTD the state volition offer nolle prosequi (the equivalence of a dismissal). If the defendant does not complete the PTD, then the charges will be reinstated confronting the defendant. A defendant is not entitled to PTD for a first offense, and
every in one case in a while a prosecutor will not offering PTD for diverse reasons.
However, prosecutors by and large offers PTD for starting time-time offenders."

iv. Can a store detective physically detain me?

Well-nigh of the large US chains accept policies in place that preclude Loss Prevention agents from laying their hands on you (or chasing you, should you lot choose to run) or stopping you after you lot have left the store. These policies were supposedly created for the safety of the employees and customers, just is definitely a smokescreen to avoid lawsuits should a political party get injured (or killed) during an apprehension.

Are Loss Prevention personnel allowed to touch me?

If you are physically detained past the management, store, or Loss Prevention employees, or pursued past store employees outside the company boundaries, you may want to talk with your attorney to discover if the cease was within visitor policy. Just because the law in your area may state that a merchant (or employees of the concatenation) tin physically detain you, that doesn't mean that the shop allows their employees to do and then.

You can also exist assured that if you choose to run (or walk away), the store will notify the police section and you volition well-nigh likely be arrested.

five. How practice I know if the store'southward Loss Prevention Department will try to ship me to jail?

You don't. The decision to prosecute depends on the store's policies, your deportment during the apprehension, the dollar amount of the trade stolen, and the local police section'southward policy on misdemeanor shoplifting.

Some stores accept a set policy for prosecuting cases. For example, if yous steal $20 worth of merchandise at Kmart, you lot're taking a ride to the police station. The conclusion has already been made and in that location is usually nothing you can say or practise to prevent it. Exceptions are rarely made.

Will the shop call the police?

I worked in a very loftier-offense city for a large retail chain, where the local police asked u.s.a. not to call them for annihilation nether the amount of $250. They only wanted to pursue felony cases, not misdemeanors. Sticking a DVD in your pocket is a low-level crime as far as the law department is concerned. They've got better things to do than bring yous down to the law station to spend a couple of hours with you lot. A good Loss Prevention (LP) Department volition work with the constabulary department, no matter what the store'southward policy says.

Some law departments volition just cite you and write yous a ticket to announced in courtroom on the accuse. It all depends on your location.

Other reasons the store may telephone call the law:

  1. You try to run away.
  2. You lot fight with or interact physically with Loss Prevention, store direction, or customers.
  3. You don't carry proper ID with you.
  4. You've been caught once before (or more).
  5. They doubtable you've been stealing from the store for awhile and have not been caught until now.

6. I was defenseless shoplifting, and they want me to pay a ceremonious fine. What'south this all near?

In some cases, stores who lose merchandise to shoplifters charge a civil fine to help defray the costs of loss prevention operations, lost merchandise, etc. Stores are usually entitled to ask for iii times the corporeality of the appurtenances stolen or $200
(whichever is greater), plus attorneys fees. The average civil recovery fee in the United states of america is $250. The shop (or chain) usually partners up with a collection service and splits the fee down the center.

Matt C. Pinsker, a criminal defense chaser, says he always advises his clients to throw out those scary-looking need letters. "I've never seen a store follow through on their threats or warnings. While the law allows stores to compensate costs imposed by shoplifters, those letters are very quack, and are close to being a scam. For example, the merchandise is usually recovered and can still be sold, so a store sending a letter of the alphabet demanding money for merchandise which can still be sold as new is unethical and 'unjust enrichment.'"

Practise I take to pay the fine if I'thousand not arrested or charged with any crime?

This fee will apply whether you have been arrested or not. The retailer will sometimes agree not to pursue civil amercement if you pay the fine. The recovery people are relentless in pursuing this fee. Sometimes, they'll threaten you past saying you lot have to pay the fee to avert getting taken to ceremonious courtroom, and when you become to court, additional fines may be imposed.

Again, Matt C. Pinsker, criminal defence force attorney, advises against paying that fine, but it probably helps if yous have a good attorney.

7. Do I have to go out the store with the trade in order to exist charged with theft?

Lots of people are confused about this, and policies vary from land to state (and from shop to store). Many people believe that they have to actually exit the store with the trade before they tin can be charged, merely it depends upon that country and store's policy regarding concealment and probable crusade. In many places you can be charged for putting trade in your pockets, even while you're however in the shop, although the large chains don't usually allow their employees to apprehend on darkening of merchandise.

I know I'one thousand being followed, merely I have already concealed trade in my jacket pocket. What should I do?

Go rid of it. Put it on a shelf and leave the store. It'southward called dumping the merchandise. No merchandise? Then no criminal offence.

It's embarrassing to dump your concealed goods in front of an LP and go out the shop, but it'south 100 times more embarrassing to be arrested for shoplifting.

Can I be arrested for just putting an item into my pocket or bag while in the shop?

According to Matt C. Pinsker, a criminal defence attorney, "Ordinarily a store will not stop someone for darkening lone. If a person takes items and places them in a purse intending to steal, just afterward changes their mind and dumps them (prior to beingness stopped by Loss Prevention), it is extremely unlikely that the person will be prosecuted."

8. The LP claims they have me on video stealing. Don't they take to allow me run across the tape?

No. 99.9% of loss prevention detectives will not let you see video of your anticipation, although the constabulary may want to see it (and usually do) if it is available. Sometimes they'll take a copy with them for evidence.

Most companies prohibit their employees from releasing video evidence to anyone, for whatever reason, without a release form approved past LP higher-ups. These tapes sometimes end up on the internet and increase liability for the store.

Fact: One out of every four customers is a shoplifter.

Fact: Ane out of every iv customers is a shoplifter.

nine. What if I was stopped and accused of shoplifting, but did non have any merchandise on me?

If yous were stopped by an agent of the store, accused of theft, and did not have whatsoever merchandise on you, the employee(s) made something known in the business as a "bad finish." If this happens to you lot, please make mental notes of the following:

  1. What were you defendant of taking?
  2. Were you touched in any way during the detainment?
  3. How many shop employees/customers were present in the expanse?

They screwed up and stopped me for stealing when I didn't. What should I do?

You lot should ask for the person's proper noun and position. Y'all should as well ask to speak with the store director and ask for relevant phone numbers for LP and operational executives in the store. Don't say as well much. Just explain the situation and be on your manner, then contact an attorney equally soon as possible to notice out if your rights were infringed upon. 9 times out of ten, the store will attempt an out-of-court settlement. Sometimes it volition be as simple as offering you an apology and a souvenir certificate. Talk to your lawyer before accepting any form of compensation.

Can I sue a store for falsely accusing me of shoplifting?

According to Matt C. Pinsker, a criminal defense attorney, under mutual law and in many states, "If a store did lack probable crusade, a lawsuit may be possible. Nevertheless, part of any lawsuit is proving not but the store was mistaken, but that it acted negligently and that there were damages. Fifty-fifty if the store was negligent, how much is a 15 minute detainment really worth? Unless the conduct of the store was outrageous, it's non worth suing."

10. Which stores don't prosecute for shoplifting?

Different stores have different policies. Some only prosecute for thefts above a sure dollar amount, others will prosecute fifty-fifty for a stick of gum. Some will take y'all to court, while others merely want to become their merchandise back. Some tell their employees or security officers to allow suspected shoplifters to leave the store earlier chasing them downwardly, while others never pursue anyone beyond the store'due south go out. You lot can't know about a particular store's policy without insider information.

Are at that place any stores that are easy to shoplift from?

Some assume that stores with fewer cameras and security personnel and laxer standards are easier to steal from, only those places are also less predictable. A large concatenation will accept many more than and better-trained eyes on y'all, only the single employee of a small mom-and-pop store might have a gun.

11. Tin can Loss Prevention detain a pregnant woman?

Of grade. An LP amanuensis is expected to use discretion and shop policy when it comes to making an anticipation. If y'all become ill or feel the need for medical treatment, ask the LP to call 911 immediately. The shop doesn't want you lot to get ill or jeopardize your pregnancy, either.

What if I'm old, hungry, homeless, or physically or mentally impaired?

About stores don't take a person's personal situation into consideration where theft is concerned. Even so, senior citizens seventy and older and children younger than 7 are usually exempt from being detained. (This rule can vary by a few years depending on which land you're in).

12. What if I simply steal role of an item, non the whole thing?

No matter what or how much you steal, it'south still a law-breaking.

I stole a small bottle of perfume from a package that contained three bottles. The store charged me the cost for all iii. How is this fair?

If y'all open a package, steal something from information technology, and get out the remainder, the store can no longer sell the package as 1 detail, and then they charge you the retail toll of the entire item as if you had stolen all three bottles.

Tampering with packaging in whatsoever way that harms merchandise could be considered "devastation of property" which itself is a crime.

13. Is it still stealing if I paid for the detail, but didn't pay the total ticket cost?

Fraudulently paying less than the full value of an particular is too considered theft. This includes tampering with price tags or applying discounts yous're non entitled to.

I was arrested for getting a discount on a DVD role player from my girlfriend who is a cashier at the shop. Why wasn't she the 1 to get arrested?

You tin remainder assured that your girlfriend will most likely endure the same fate equally you. Under-ringing (or sweethearting, every bit it sometimes called) has been around forever. Most companies have strict rules confronting an employee ringing upward a family member, spouse, or friend. That infraction alone could go your girlfriend terminated, but since the store had you prosecuted, yous tin bet they want to interview your girlfriend for an admission to this crime and others she may have committed in the past. If the shop has enough evidence against her, she could be arrested and charged.

Typical Shoplifting Penalties (Just Each Jurisdiction, Approximate, and Land Is Different)

Stores may also sue y'all in civil court for the value of the merchandise and attorneys fees. If you lot ran out an emergency leave ("theft past emergency"), the crime is considered more serious, and may include increased charges, fines, and jail time.

Crime Charge Jail Time Fine

Sometimes, you'll be charged with a petty (non criminal) offense that does not continue your record.




A first crime of less than $300 in merchandise.

Course A Misdemeanor

up to 1 yr in jail

up to $2,500

A kickoff crime of more than than $300 in trade.

Class iii Felony

2-5 years


A second law-breaking of theft of less than $300 of merchandise.

Class 4 Felony

1-3 years


xiv. What if I didn't steal anything, but my friend did?

It isn't a law-breaking to be with someone who commits a law-breaking, as long as you didn't encourage or aid them. If you didn't know your friend was stealing, y'all should not be charged. The store has to show that you knowingly participated in order to charge you.

I dared my friend to steal some makeup. I handed her what I wanted and she took two items for herself. Why was I arrested, too?

Because even if yous are not in possession of the stolen items, y'all took an active part in the shoplifting. You are being charged equally an cohort. Virtually stores will not charge another person who happens to be with the shoplifter unless they take an active part in the criminal offence. You physically handed the merchandise to your friend, making you an accompaniment.

15. Is information technology hard to steal from big-box stores like Target or Walmart?

Large retailers like Walmart and Target have famously strict policies against shoplifting, although they normally only prosecute for thefts of more than $25. Nonetheless, they salvage show and communicate with their other stores and so they can build a felony case confronting you lot. Big-box stores have lots of surveillance (cameras, microphones, security tags, sensors, alarms, etc.) and big and well-trained loss prevention teams that get lots of practice catching shoplifters.

Although they're usually not allowed to lookout you in the bathroom or plumbing equipment rooms, they take optics near everywhere else. SuperTargets have digital recording systems in every checkout lane, which means every unmarried transaction is captured and retained for well-nigh 45 days. The parking lots of big-box stores are frequently equipped with PTZs (pan-tilt-zoom cameras) to read license plates.

What happens when yous're caught stealing from Target or Walmart?

Big-box Nugget Protection Departments won't usually press charges against people under age vii or over historic period lxx. If you're caught, they might ask you sign an agreement non to enter the store once again (they "ban" y'all). The first time a 16-year-sometime gets caught stealing, they volition nigh probable be asked to return the merchandise and leave the shop. If yous're nether sixteen, they must release you to a parent or guardian. If your parents can't exist reached, and so LP volition phone call the police to come become you, so keep that in heed.

Would You Shoplift?

Farther Reading

To learn more about policies and rules Loss Prevention personnel follow and how they are trained to deal with shoplifters, read 5 Things Yous Didn't Know About Shoplifting.

If you were apprehended in a store and want to know what's going to happen to you lot, read Caught Shoplifting: What Happens Adjacent?


The data in this commodity should non be used as legal advice. If you lot've been defenseless shoplifting, consult a lawyer every bit soon every bit possible to discuss your example.

This content reflects the personal opinions of the author. It is accurate and truthful to the all-time of the author's knowledge and should not exist substituted for impartial fact or advice in legal, political, or personal matters.


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