7 Ways to Trick Ignition Interlock Device

7 Ways to Pull a fast one on Ignition Interlock Device – An ignition interlock device is a device that is installed in a car as a condom measure so that the drivers cannot drive under influence. In order to get-go the car's engine, the driver must provide a jiff sample on the breathalyzer fastened in the ignition interlock devices. The device volition measure the corporeality of the alcohol level in your blood to make sure that you are in a condition where you can drive safely and have complete control over your motor skills.

New generations of ignition interlock device have to ability to randomly ask for your breath sample when you are driving to brand sure that you are not drinking while driving. If you failed the exam while driving, your car horn will went off like crazy and you motorcar engine will slowly close down.

Since ignition interlock has go pop in about developed countries, people have been wondering if the ignition interlock device can exist tricked. Most people meet the ignition interlock device as the concatenation that volition not allow them to party with their friends. Another sees the ignition interlock device as a safety device to go on their whole family safe when driving. One thing is for sure, this device is hard or even incommunicable to be tricked, since the measured indicator is in your trunk, you won't exist able to tell your body to keep the alcohol level in cheque on your breath while you lot are drinking like there is no tomorrow. Here is our top list that people have tried in order to trick the ignition interlock device:


Many people are trying to play a joke on the ignition interlock devices by eating a hefty amount of potent flavored nutrient such as onion, coffee, breath mints or some others. Main idea is that flavour created by the food will exist able to mask their alcohol level. In reality – stiff flavored nutrient will exist able to mask the alcohol odor from your oral fissure merely not the alcohol content level. Breathalyzer volition exist able to read and detect BAC (Breath Alcohol Level).


Consuming java or saccharide will definitely help y'all in gaining more than consciousness and may really help yous in driving home after some heavy drinking. But caffeine or saccharide will non exist able to change your booze content in your blood and the ignition interlock device will still give y'all a positive reading.


This is a ridiculous method. I don't know who is stupid plenty to say that past using mouthwash, you will be able to trick the alcohol level on your breath. Possibly the one who said that is not smart plenty to even read the composition in the mouthwash they are using. Typical mouthwash always contain a level of booze in order to kill germs and bacteria in your mouth. Even if you didn't drink any booze but used mouthwash, in that location is a possibility that the ignition interlock device will give you a positive reading.

Drinking Zima

Zima usually odor weaker than most liquor and beer. Just withal, contain alcohol and volition increase the alcohol level on your blood. Past drinking Zima, you lot may exist able to flim-flam your random people on the street but not the ignition interlock device. Even if it doesn't smell alcohol from your breath, positive reading results guaranteed.

Eating Underwear

One swain from Canada, tried to use his underwear as a filter. He thought that such cotton wool cloth will eliminate BAC containment. Dizzy him. However this is not the end, as another 59 twelvemonth old man tried to fool breathalyzer with full mouth of feces. In both cases, these two were not able to start their cars. Sad.

Putting a Penny on Your Mouth Before Blowing

There are also some genius that said past putting a penny under your tongue will help you lot to play tricks the ignition interlock device. They said it is due the copper concentration on the penny volition assistance you modify your alcohol level in your blood. Well, since 1980s, pennies have been fabricated of 97.v% ZINC. Anyways – BAC level in most states should be upwards to 0.08% . However – yous can be arrested fifty-fifty with lower levels. Equally a result – y'all'll need to file SR22 insurance document for high risk drivers.

There are few other intersting methods that will be described in the following articles. And think: it'south better to command yourself on a political party rather than trying to fob the ignition interlock device.